o2Store Project Home Page

o2Store 2005 - The system that manages your business. This system registers and analyses information regarding sales, purchases , inventory, cash transactions and other detailed informations regarding client and supplier situations. This system works as a standalone or in a network. Below are shown in detail some of the functionalities of the system:


v      Inventory management in different points of service– Tracing of the average price is included here. 


v      The movement of different items from one point of service to another.


v      Sales and purchases management – Here is included the sales-purchases of simple items which are on stock in the inventory and the sales-purchases of service items which are not. 


v      The Cash management  –  All the cash transaction are managed like : bills, payment of bills, sales and purchases.


v      Obligation tracing:

Ø       Unpayed bills of the company to the suppliers.

Ø       Unpayed bills of different clients to the company.

Ø       Client's credit tracing.

Ø       Tracing of the company credit to suppliers.


v      Management of sales prices – Sales prices are in dependence of the sales type. Different prices can be defined for the different sale types which can be created by the user itself.


v      Management of   purchase's prices – Purchase prices can be set according to:

Ø       Item Different prices can be set for the same item ofered by different suppliers.

Ø       Supplier In this case the supplier is choosen and the prices of the items that he offers are registered.


v      Balance tracing – Balance includes:

Ø       Company Incomes – Cash stock, inventory stock, client obligation, company credit to suppliers.

Ø       Company Outcomes – Obligation of the company to suppliers.Client credit to company.

All the data are dependent within the date range given from the user.


v      Raporting – A wide area of report genereting is offered and the reports are classified as the following:


Ø       Inventory – General Ledger, Analytical Ledger of Inventory, Inventory Stock, Item Stock,  Item Chart. 

Ø       Purchase – General Ledger of Purchases, Analytical Ledger of Purchases, Payment of Purchases.

Ø       Sales – Payment of Purchasese, General Ledger of Sales, Analytical Ledger of Sales, Sales payments, Marge of Sales.

Ø       Cash –Cash and Payments

Ø       Client - Clients' Situation, Clients' Payments

Ø       Supplier -  Suppliers' Situation, Suppliers' Payments

Ø       List – List of Items, List of Documents, List of Clients, List of Suppliers, List of Item Groups, List of Item Units 

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